Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Advanced Tax Accounting (aka: ADVtaxaccounting.com)

I created Advanced Tax Accounting back in 2009.  During the financial crises I noticed a lot of taxpayers needed help.  The IRS, the State of California, and the County Tax Collector's were looking anywhere and everywhere for income.

Taxpayers were audited and losing.  A friend asked me to step in when he lost an audit, and we won.  So he told a friend, and I won his appeal.  That friend told a friend and I successfully handled their appeal.  Within a year I was handling appeals for small taxpayers and ghost writing tax appeals for attorney's, CPA's, and other tax professionals.  The wins just kept stacking up.  In 2009 I handled over 157 appeals, winning over 97% of my cases.  I lost 4 cases that year.

Since then every year I keep handling all sorts of interesting cases for taxpayers, attorney's, CPA's, and other tax professionals.

I hope that ADVtaxaccounting.com will continue to provide outstanding service for the taxpayers of Southern California.

If you have a question, please feel free to give me a call. (562) 342-6187.

Ron Fenney